“The sport in Scouting is to find the good in every boy and develop it.”
— Baden-Powell

key 3 leaders

The “Key Three” Leaders in the Troop are the Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, and Scoutmaster. They are:

Josh Stevens, Chartered Organization Representative, joshstevens0602@gmail.com

Tom Crain, Committee Chair committeechair@troop890.org

Andy Biancardi, Scoutmaster scoutmaster@troop890.org, 469-578-7890

Our other leaders, with their contact information, are as follows:

Senior Patrol Leader: Everrett S; spl@troop890.org

Quartermaster: Neil Sanders; quartermaster@troop890.org (With Jose Arce & David Gilbert)

[[all grades below are for the 2023-24 school year]]

First Year Scoutmaster (2023-30)(6th graders): Jose Arce, fysm2023@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2022-29)(7th graders): Gavin Worthy, fysm2021@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2021-28)(8th graders): Gavin Worthy; fysm2021@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2020-27)(9th graders): Tom Crain; fysm2020@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2019-26)(10th graders): Andy Biancardi; fysm2019@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2018-25)(11th graders): Jeff Nicodemus; fysm2018@troop890.org

First Year Scoutmaster (2017-24)(12th graders): David Boone; davboone2003@gmail.com

Treasurer: Brian Webster; treasurer@troop890.org

High Adventure Coordinator: Jeff Clemmons; highadventure@troop890.org

Advancement Coordinator: David Boone; advancements@troop890.org

Merit Badge and Board of Review Coordinator: Joe Gillespie; gillespie.joe@gmail.com

Eagle Coordinator: Kendra Kimball; eagle@troop890.org

Chaplain: John Anthony; chaplain@troop890.org

Fundraising Chair - Ann Allen; fundraising@troop890.org

CAPS Leader - Jose Arce, arcesafety@gmail.com

50 Miler/Hiking Merit Badge - Todd Allen mtoddallen@sbcglobal.net & Stephen Hotz stephen.hotz@gmail.com

Webmaster - Merilee Biancardi merileebiancardi@gmail.com
